1. How much does the course worth? And How do I apply for the PETRONAS School of Life (PSOL) program?
PSOL is valued at BND 200 per module (4 sessions / month).
However, no ticket are available for sale to the public this year, as tickets are fully acquired by PETRONAS Carigali Brunei Ltd as their CSR contribution for the youth of Brunei.
100 Scholarship Slots are allocated for participating institutions. Surplus scholarship slots will be made available for FREE applicants on waiting list.
If you are from UBD (Aug), UTB (Sep), IBTE (Sep), UNISSA (Oct) and Politeknik (Nov), please refer to your respective school council to register for your seats.
If you are a private participant wanting to be put on waiting list, please submit your details here:
You can fill in the application form here.
2. PETRONAS is an Oil & Gas company, is it getting into education business? How is it related to School of Life?
The program is branded PETRONAS School of Life because it is a community outreach program supported by PETRONAS Carigali Brunei Ltd (PCBL) in collaboration with Curious Mind, the program curator of this initiative.
No. PCBL is not endeavoring into the education business.
3. I am interested in topics beyond those covered for my institution's participation. Can I attend the others?
Yes! You can put your name on waiting list by submitting the application form.
4. How do I get the most out of the course participation?
The course is designed to be highly interactive. There will be a lot of activities that require you to break into groups to discuss and present.
50% of the learning will come from the lecturer. The other 50% will be from your own participation. You will get as much out of the training as the effort you put in.
There is no right or wrong answer, and there will certainly not be any stupid questions.
You are encouraged to disagree and state your case if you feel strongly about a subject.
5. Are there any code of conducts that I need to follow for the classes?
There are 3 main behaviors that will make you and other participants more enjoyable and engaged in joining the class.
You are encouraged to ask as many questions as you want to the trainer as well as to your fellow classmates in your small group. If you feel that there is something you do not understand, chances are, most of your classmates will be feeling the same. So, please feel free to let your curiosity take the lead.
You are here to learn life skills. That means practicing how to network and treat each other with respect.
You are encouraged to be seated with strangers. Use this as an opportunity to learn networking by introduce yourself and get to know each other.
We want to create a safe space for you to contribute and flourish. There will be no judgement for your questions or answers. We are all here to learn and to listen with empathy and support.
Acting with generosity means taking the first step to give, and share information and experiences that may help others.
6. What are some of the Logistical / Housekeeping Rules?
Please arrive 15 minutes early to get yourself ready for the training. Have yourself seated by 2.15pm.
The class will start at 2.30pm sharp.
Dress Code
Smart Casual
No Thongs / No short / No Caps
School Uniform is Not Necessary
Recording of the program is not permitted.
Training Notes
Notes will be made available online after the event.​
7. What do I need to bring for the workshop?
Notebook, pen, paper.
It is essential that you take notes of the lecture in order to remember what you have learned.
Laptop is not encouraged.​
8. What is the maximum capacity for the workshop?
100 pax.
9. The primary audience for the workshop are 15 – 25 according to the PETRONAS School of Life information kit. I am a working adult. Can I still attend?
The goal of the School of Life workshop is to help individuals excel in their career and be a better person. Therefore, much of the discussions are practical and highly relatable, no matter what life stage you are in.
If you are an educator, this course is can be treated as a “Train the Trainer” program where you can learn and go back to teach your students.
If you are an executive or you have a colleague whom you think could benefit from improving their life / social skills, this is a great platform to learn.
The mode of delivery is catered for a younger audience in mind. Be ready for easy to understand language, high energy lectures and plenty of fun!
10. Will I be given a Certificate?
Yes! Certificate willbe provided for participants who have successfully completed all 4 units within a Module.
11. What is the difference between being Core & General Participants?
Core Participant
Up to 30 spots are allocated for Core Participants. These students will dive deep and get the most out of the course. Be prepared for some of life changing experience!
Participants are required to fulfil course assignments and presentation requirements, they are also required to attend each of the 4 classes.
General Participants
Assignments and full participations are not compulsory.
12. Will there be a difference in Certificate for Core and General Students?
Yes! Obviously Core Participants are putting in more effort and it will be recognised on the certificates received.
13. Where will the PETRONAS School of Life be conducted?
Respective participating institutions. Please check with your schools for the exact timing.